Twitter Experiment is called @EventParrot Twitter has started a new, real-time late-breaking news service called @EventParrot.
@EventParrot uses direct messages (which are personalized messages direct to a user) to send late-breaking news alerts. Twitter itself, overall, is a news service - but there is a great volume of messages. @EventParrot is a form of 'Curation' where only the most important news is sent out. @EventParrot is part of a series of new kinds of 'notification' services by Twitter. It would seem that we can expect more of these kind of services in the future. Curation in general is an important way to add value, and will be increasingly important in any medium when there is a lot of volume. These new kinds of notification services are a great way to draw new users to Twitter, and to prod the least-active users of Twitter to use it more often. Any new news-notification service is of interest to us at We will be following @EventParrot and similar services closely. We are also very interested to see how the AP Newswire will respond in general to the speed of Twitter, and to curated services like @EventParrot in particular. Our site,, is part of the Arkacia Ventures network.